Choosing Multi Tools

Frankly there is no such thing as best Multi-Tool, every tools suit every person differently. With more than 2 decades using Multi-tool experience, I have narrowed down to my needs.  

A breakdown on the Multi-Tools I have owned
Last couple of years of my usage there are 2 kind of Multi-tools, one for OUTDOOR / TRAVELING and the other for EDC URBAN SURVIVAL TOOL.

Adventure Tip - Cycling in Taiwan

Yesterday I came upon a Youtuber Bicycle Touring Pro, Darren who had cycle around the world for a decade. His video is pretty comprehensive. The video discussion on his trip in Taiwan was informative but there are few points I personally felt it was better. 

  • Travel light
  • Camping anywhere in Taiwan is possible
  • Cycle counter clockwise around the island if heading the East Coast.  
  • Try not to be a Vegan :p

Choosing Camping Cookset

Outdoor Camping Cookset are very expensive depending on the construction and made. Many have made the wrong choice after a few field trips, most ended getting a Cookset too small or to large and heavy. 
We never narrow our Camping Cookset just for Camping, we use it both for outdoor activities, home or traveling. Our choice of cookset have to very versatile, durable and light. Over the decades I have made some wrong choices but now we are clear on what we are getting into.  

Before we select a cookset, we first have to identify how many people are we cooking for. Simply break down to these groups. Bigger group more than 5 person will not be discussed here as you probably need Kitchen Cookset.


  • Soloist (1 person)
  • Partner (2 person)
  • Family / Group (3 to 4 person)

Adventure Tips #1

2 person tent fitted us perfectly. Had to use footprint on such rocky terrain 

This article below was taken from

Below are my comments in RED