Last visited 10 Apr 2013
Last camping trips, we been camping around Puli, Nantou area so decided to make a detour and explore HuiSun Hot Spring by bike. The distance to the hot spring is around 15km, thought we could bike there and spend a night. However before we can cut across the river, we were stopped right at it's path. The river was too swell to cross and decided to camp just before the river.
Everything was perfect and everyone was relaxing, collected woods and had planned a night camp fire until the rain came. For 2 hours it kept on raining and did not stop, was not really a heavy downpour. Around 6pm we decided to break camp and head back. The reason we did that if the rain kept going the whole night, we were afraid landslide will cut our path back. Already while coming downhill we had encountered landslide obstacles.
Overall the trip was fun, at the start of the trail it was steep downhill all the way. Told my partner, we will have a problem cycling back up with our load. True enough after we broke camp and we had to push our bikes back up in total darkness. The only light source was our headlamp.
Both main and side gates were locked, had to remove everything from the bike and carry from the side cliff. Rather dangerous move we had made.
Wohoo...downhill all the way!!!
landslide obstacles
our companion
Strike a Pose
This is the only decent road
water had too much sediments, took half hour to filter 2lts of water
For our tent, we had only used the rainfly and foot print, inner netting was not necessary after the last camping trip experience in 馬陵溫泉 Maling Wild Hot Spring
testing the Vargo