NOTE: Trail update Apr 2012
Alangyi Trail 阿郎壹古道 needs to apply Permit and there is a quota for each day. (300pax). You also need a guide NT3000 a day.
Application can be found HERE (Chinese)
Also informed by Kenting National Park 阿郎壹古道最後階段(出風鼻)禁止入境. (Prohibit Entry)
You can call 088811618 to verifiy
Day 2, at 7am we broke camp at Dawu Beach Park and traveled down Provincial highway 26 which is around 12.6km before arriving 阿郎壹古道 AlangYi trail head. Just around 200 to 300mtrs away from the Beach Park, we made a pit stop to replenished our water, there is a 7-11 and some breakfast shops beside it.
Riding through the newly completed Highway 26 was very tranquil. There was hardly any cars and the ocean is just beside us. Along the way, we could hear the morning birds chipping away. All I can say from the last time we were there and now, it was a huge difference.
We arrived at the foot hill around 9am and decided to take 15mins shelter behind a rock from the sun. As I looked up the hill, it was pretty steep, got my DIY bike belt hooked up and started the climb. Almost every 5 to 10mtrs, we needed a break. It was not an easy task going up with a bike and the sun was burning us down. As we reached the first hill top flat ground thinking that we were over the hill, until we took a turn thru a tree foliage, there was another path leading up the hill. Half way up the climb, I felt some small stones have got into my riding shoes until I realised by sole was giving way. The loose flake of broken slates have cut and damaged my sole and my feet started to hurt.
Under the hot Summer sun, the 100mtrs hill climb have beaten both me and Siboy, my dog. We finished our 2Lts water supply within hours. We tried to find any shaded bush or tree coverage just to cool ourselves down. There were few hikers who saw our incredible feat and praised us and offer us their water. I told them, this was a big mistake if I had just planned to climb this trail but my journey was beyond this so I have to go with the bike. We instantly became their photo blog :-)
Finally the last 40mtrs downhill to the beach, I thought for a while how can I get down on the narrow steep stretch with my bike. The only way is to keep the front wheel up in the air and slowly slide down. Immediately when we got to the pebble beach, we soaked ourselves in the cool ocean sea water. Once down the beach, there were more obstacles, from jagged rocks to pebble beach etc. 3.5km of beach hike until we met the paved road.
one section of the beach obstacles
From the day before the trail at 浸水營古道 Jinshuiying and including this trail, Siboy, my dog have covered almost 44km altogether. I was amazed how he had climbed the steep hill alone. Due to our fatigue, heat exhaustion, injuries, damaged to property and Siboy can't go on any further, which was very clear he was worn down from both injury and heat exhaustion. I have decided to surrender and call for recovery vehicle to SyuHai. At around 3pm we exited the trial and called my partner and waited around 3hour for her to drive down from Kaohsiung. The 3 days planned adventure cross-island coastal trip just have to end here. Probably we will continue the journey again.
Few pointers for this trail
- get a good pair of shoes, including my shoe there were 3 more hikers with damage soles.
- bring plenty of water
- shield yourself as much as possible from the sun. 2/3 of the journey is exposed to the sun
- The whole trail is around 5km including 3.5km beach trail
- You can camp on this trail, coming up from SyuHai after the 3.5km beach hike from the first hill climb, you will meet a shaded open ground which is ideal for camping but you need to get your water supply from the river just before the hill climb.
- Based on average timing of the hikers that have passed us, they took around 4 to 5hrs to complete the trail. With my bike I have taken 6hrs including plenty of rest stop.
- This trail is NOT ride-able. Not even a single section unless you want to take the risk.
- If you really need to bring your bike, DIY a lifting belt and remove the front wheel when you climb bcoz the hill is too steep and your front wheel will get in the way.
- to get to this trail, you can take a train to Dawu, arrange a public transport from there. Once at Syuhai, ask the locals, there is a public transport back to the east where you can grab a train otherwise you can spend a night at the nearby campsites or villas.
- In my opinion, starting from Syuhai will be much easier as you do not have to attempt the 100m steep hill climb but you will face a problem getting transport to Dawu.
- Currently SyuHai Hot Spring is under renovation should be ready in a month time.
SyuHai public Hot Spring