There is so much to learn about Aboriginal culture in Taiwan. So last week my partner's brother made an arrangement for us to visit his Hakka friend, Hsu Wen Min who is married to a Rukai Head Chief's daughter.
Located at 三地門 Sandimen, Pingtung on the junction towards Wutai. 山中天 is a restaurant and homestay but what makes this place interesting is the collection art work and history. Somehow on this day I learnt a fair bit about Aboriginal history.
Aboriginal are the mainstay race in Taiwan, research has found that most aboriginals in the Pacific including New Zealand, Hawaii comes from Taiwan. There used to be 30 plus tribes on this island but now it has been narrowed to 14 tribes. Mostly this was due to occupation by the Japanese, Dutch and Chinese. These are the people who had defended the island in hope of preservation.
Aboriginal Wedding held at 山中天
very pretty aboriginal girl
Mr Hsu's BMW....miss my BMW
Ming Dynasty bed
Only Aboriginal with status are allow to display the wooden figure at their front door otherwise it will to torn down and burn.
the sword above symbolize status, the sword below is use from work
Spear weapon
married couple have to drink this
Ming Dynasty
These pots were originated by the Dutch around 350yrs ago, they were used for storing Palm oil. Those days the Dutch would trade Palm oil for deer skin and later sold it to the Japanese.
imported wood from Philippines
you can find President Ma amoung these pictures
slate table
We were later invivted by Mr Hsu to his plantation and I was introduce to a fruit that I am not aware of it properties.
This is Noni fruit, you can find this fruit in Malaysia or Indonesia but I have not seen it eaten. Mr Hsu and his brother are currently cultivating this fruit from many purposes. It claims to have medicinal properties