八通關越嶺古道 Batongguan Ancient Mountain Trail is one of the most interesting historical trail in Taiwan. This trail was opened by the Qing Dynasty back in the 18th Century and later followed by the Japanese Occupation. Till today it left its scar with an in depth history on how the Bunun Aboriginal tribe tried to survive the two occupation. (See Vid link below)
Personally I feel this trail is better than any other trial in Taiwan, not Snow Mountain or Yishan. This trail is not about reaching the summit but a walk through time. Based on the information found, the whole trail would require 8 to 10 days starting from Dongpu and it is possible to walk your way to the East Coast of Taiwan.
Found a very interesting video on the trail history and can only be view on the webpage. This is a documentary in Chinese, nevertheless picture will tell a thousand words. Click here to view, highly recommend to view this video if you planning for this trip.
This is the best vid found on Youtube. Click the above recommended vid for better info.
This is the best vid found on Youtube. Click the above recommended vid for better info.