Aboriginal Cuisine

NanZhuang, Miaoli County
N24.54104 E121.02783
Last visited 01 Aug 2009

This is an open air restaurant located in NanZhuang Township on a mountain around 900mtrs above sea-level. The restaurant is being run by Aboriginal people living around the area. The idea of coming here was to taste Mountain Trout.

Aboriginal dress

This is the first time I tasted a mountain Trout. The meat is tender and sweet. This dish comes with a warmer so it is better that you finish it fast. The longer the fish is on the warmer, the meat will tends to become a little tougher

Not sure what is this dish called but you will need to stir the raw egg with the vegetable

Mountain chicken is one of the toughest chicken meat I ever tasted. I am not use to such chewy meat but it did taste good. This dish is served with slice ginger and a sauce to dip in.

well.. this is not the restaurant dish but we caught during our camping trip. We had asked the chef to prepare it for us and they did not charge for the services

Here are some pictures of the mountain vegetable they served.  I am still trying to figure out their names.

Mountain Parsley

Millet is one of the staple diet of the aboriginal, they use it for making wine and food.

the raw version of Millet

Wild boar meat is another staple diet for the Aboriginal. You can find this meat almost every mountain villages.