Compact size: 11x10.7x8.3cm
Weight: 345g
Years ago during my first visit to Taiwan I felt in love with this miniature stove. Immediately I purchased one and brought back to my homeland. Last year when I got my ARC, I got another stove as I left the first back home. The reason for my interest is that it is using Iwantani gas cannister which is easily available back in my homeland and here in Taiwan. They are extreme portable stove and very fast to set up. The whole product and canister weighs lesser compare to my MSR Drangonfly but the burn time is definately shorter. I tried not to use cannister stove that often but just a back up stove for camping or for outdoor hot pot dinner.
So far I seen 2 places selling this stove, I got my from Dollars Department Store. The other place would be at Der Jinn. Otherwise send me an email if your are interested.