內獅瀑布 Neishi Waterfall

Pingtung County
Last Visited 19 Sep 2009

The road to Nei Shi Waterfall is not too smooth as most of the road were damaged by the last Typhoon. However we managed to drive in till 2km before the waterfall and we hiked the remaining distance.

The hike was not too difficult but when it started to rain it made the path pretty slippery. The terrian around the waterfall are rocky, the only flat ground you can find is at the viewing area.

the bridges are still intact and passable by car

direction to the waterfall

the river that runs under the railway bridge. Good thing it was not washed away by the typhoon.

we parked our car down the river bank that was washed off by the typhoon Marokot and hike the remaining distance.

A view of Nei Shi Waterfall from 2km away

overgrown path

Slightly damaged paved path

stair way to get around the hill

viewing area of the waterfall, the only flat ground you can camp

the hike was nice especially under the rain