姑婆嶼露營 GuPoYu Camp

GuPoYu Island, Penghu County
2 Days Package tour from Penghu Island, Magong City                
-Seafood BBQ 
- Campfire party
-Oyeter Farming
-underwater flimimg of rock formation
-Transportation included
 minium 20 person, NT2500 per person

Tel: 06-9273427,0931878382
Features: camping on an uninhabited island

太麻里 Taimali Beach Park

29 Jan 2010
N22 37.031 E121 00.644

Have been to this park couple of times mostly if we are travelling down the East Coast. We stop by here to spent a night in our Campervan. There is a toilet and it is cleaned daily however there is no shower facilities. 

安佳春渡假農莊 AnJiaChun Holiday Farm

photo from http://uukt.idv.tw
CheCheng Village, Pingtung County
Fee: NT200/250 weekday /weekend per person
Google Map
Feature: nearby beach, Marine Museum

沙島露營地 ShaDao Camp

photo from http://www.dotzing.com.tw
Kenting, HengChun Township, Pingtung County
Fee: NT150 per person
Google Map
Feature: nearby beach

沙馬基島露營渡假區 Samaji Island Camp Resort

No. 1 MeiRen Road, LiuChiu Village, SiaoLiuChiu Island, Pingtung County
Tel :08-8614880 

Fee:  NT300 weekday, NT400 weekend per person
Google Map

Feature: Sea side Camping
Last visited 31 May 2008