Camping Map Update

Since 2009 we started Camping in Taiwan Map. Google Map will be shutting down the Classic Map and move to Google Map Engine. We have decided to take the initiative and started our transformation. 

We have just completed the new Beta Version by date. It will have comment, address, contact, price, Web Link, Blog post and social media which is much better than before.

Since we cannot cover all the camp area in Taiwan, the new Google Map will web links to other bloggers so you guys can have a better view of the camp area. At the moment 657 camp area is being listed.  

We are planning to build an Google Play Store App but at this moment you have 2 choices, go by web link or download from Google Play Store "My Maps" which enable you to navigate. Once you have My Maps installed the links are below either scan it or click on the link. 

This is just part of our effort to improve our service and information. Hope you find it useful.