Around Koahsiung by Bike

Around Kaohsiung City, you will find these bikes for rental. Over the last year, the government had put an extensive effort to promote biking on this island and Kaoshiung City is no exception. The idea was to promote a Green City for the locals and to prepare for the World Games in July 2009 but I sincerely find that tourist should take this advantage of this system. It is so much easier to ride a bike and sightseeing around the city.

Here are some information and maps location

When my kids were here, my aim was to let them enjoy biking however I had other plans and those C-bike was not suitable for off-road riding. So my gracious friend, Ah Kuei had loan me 2 sets of Giant Yukon mountain bikes. Overall my kids had put in 230Km on these bike during their Jun 2009 school holidays.

After picking up the bikes from AK, the next day before the big ride 120Km to Kenting I brought the kids for a 20km warm-up ride around the city.

Water well along Love River Bike Track

Liouhe Night Market- we were too early
but we had the popular seafood rice porridge in Liouhe Night Market

The second tour of Kaohsiung City, 2 days before they left home for Singapore. The whole route covered almost 40Km.
outside Hanshin  Shopping Mall
Louts Lake

Confucius Temple
on our way to Art Museum
Ferry ride to CiJing Island

Costal view of CiJing Island

View of Kaohsiung City from Cijing Lighthouse