One of our easy to do camping / backpacking staple diet. You can find it either in Indonesian or Pinoy's mini Supermarket around your area. Look out for the brand LIGO, cost only NT25. We used to buy the "Ayam" brand that is from Malaysia however since we have tried the Pinoy's brand, it tasted just as good. The canned is small, weighs 155g and is very ideal for backpacking trips. You can eat it straight out of the can as bread spread or if you prefer a better flavouring, below is a add-on list which I normally do, well my mother's recipe.
PS Taiwan do have canned tomato sauce sardines, you have to try this and you will know the difference.
Serving for 2
slice onions (red onions would be better)
slice chilli (half will do)
1 table spoon tomato sauce (try to lay your hands on packets tomato sauce from McDonalds)
1 or 2 table spoon water
1 tea spoon lime or lemon juice
You can add tomatoes, it will enhance the flavour. Simmering till the onion is soft otherwise to your preference.
Once ready, you will have a kick-ass sweet, sour and little spicy dish to go with hot steamy rice. Remember to add the sauce to the rice. Normally I would also fry a chilli with onion egg (remains of the ingredient) to go along.