Instant Tom Yam Noodle

I have tasted couple on Thai Restaurant Tom Yam Soup and nothing beats what I am going to introduce you. I dare say this because my family members all agreed. It was first introduced to me by my mother 20 years ago. Today I managed to find it in Carefour, Taiwan  and I will show you how to cook it better. You can cook it simply or a bit elaborate. It makes a great, fast to cook camp meal especially on hot or cold days.

each pack of noodle cost only NT12 much cheaper than local instant noodles

Imported Kross Tom Yam Cube

Imported dried lemon leave, fresh lemon grass and calamansi

Basic Ingredients must have

  • Instant Tom Yam Noodle
  • Kross Tom Yam Seasoning
  • Lemon Grass
  • Lemon Leaves
  • Calamansi

Choice Ingredient - Is up to your preference but mushroom and prawns is ideal.

add a de-seeded chili if you prefer spicy.

Start de-shelling prawns on the 3rd shell from head. Save the head as this will add flavor, snip off head spikes just after the eye. 

First add prawns to a boiling water till cook. This will create a prawn flavor to the soup. Add all the basic ingredient and only a 1/4 of Kross seasoing.

If your pot is too small, pre-cook all the ingredient, this will allow flavoring to the broth. The shishamo fish are pan fried. Once that is all done, you can start to cook the noodles. While cooking taste the noodle texture to your preference and it all ready. Transfer noodles to bowl, add ingredient and pour in the soup.

A simple fast to cook dish better than restaurant. 

Bought a carton of 30packs!!!