安全飲用水 Safe Drinking Water

Water is our main source of life line, without water for 72 hour you would probably die of dehydration. There is no such thing as safe drinking water in the wilderness even it comes from the mountain. Here we will discuss few methods of obtaining safe drinking water for Survival. The last method SODIS is rather interesting

People tends to misunderstand Water Purification and Water Filtration. They are not the same, you need this 2 process to create a clean safe drinking water.
  • Filtration 過濾
  • Chemical 化學藥品
  • Distillation 蒸餾
  • Condesation 露水
  • Boiling 沸騰
  • Ultraviolet Radiation 紫外線輻射 
Filtration 過濾
The easiest is to buy commercial available water filters but all manufacture claims their filter will get rid of 99.999% bacteria and viruses. What happens to the 0.001%?
Another method is you DIY a filter using various layer of sand. This method will get rid of small particles in the water and only through boiling is safe to drink.

Video on Bio Sand Filter

Chemical 化學藥品
Commercially there are available water tablets or mixture that treats the water. However you still need to filter the water get rid of the small particles floating in the water. Some said you can use bleach or iodine but how much do we really know to add in the water. I have stop using chemical for 2 reasons. Most of them have expiry dates and I do not wish to subject my body to chemicals.

Distillation 蒸餾
This method would be the safest but it is time consuming.  One method is using Solar Still and the other is distillation through Boiling. This method is ideal for seawater and urine


Condensation 露水
Take a bag, wrap around the plant and wait for the condensation or wait for morning dew to form.

Video on India's Engineering

Boiling 沸騰
Boiling is the safest method to kill all bacteria in the water but it will be ideal if you filter the water before boiling. The picture below shows the difference between boiling and simmering.
Simmering and boiling

Ultraviolet Radiation 紫外線輻射
Commercial product such as SteriPen uses UV to kill bacteria in the water. A Foundation has came up with a simpler method called SODIS (Solar Disinfection). This might be the easiest method and has been using in the 3rd World Countries just by using PET bottle and the Sun. More information on SODIS.
商業產品如SteriPen使用UV殺死水中的細菌。有基金會已經想出了一個簡單的方法稱為 SODIS(太陽能消毒),這可能是最簡單的方法,只使用寶特和太陽並已將此法使用在第三世界國家更多SODIS資訊如下

Videos on SteriPen and SODIS