12 Outdoor Essentials

Taiwan provides all types of possible camping opportunity from 5-Star to wilderness camping. However there are simple rule of thumb that one should have these items with them when camping.   

Here are the items we feel is necessary and we will have it with us when camping or hiking in Taiwan. So here goes the 12 outdoor essentials.

Mountaineering or Hiking
  1. Rain Gear
    • It can be a rain pancho or a 2 piece rain gear. Personally we prefer the 2 piece as we can double as a warm gear if the weather gets cold. 
  2. Head Lamp or Torch
    • You never know you might enter a dark foliage or a cave.  
  3. Camera
    • All your travel you like it to be remembered also you can double as a back-up light
  4. GPS
    • Good to have so you know where you are and helps you to find your way back if you are lost
  5. Water Bottle / Bladder
    • Need to hydrate after all that outdoor workout
  6. Knife or Multi Tool
    • Never know you need to cut or repair something 
  7. Monocular
    • Your eyes can only see so far, animals normally do not get within your good sight.
  8. First Aid Kit
    • Better be prepared as the only outdoor doctor is you 
  9. Survival Kit
    • Never know shit will happens but best be prepared
  10. Bandanna or Shemagh
    • Not just to wipe your perspiration but can double as bandage, water filter or keep your head sane. 
  11. Mobile Phone
    • Are you aware that there are emergency numbers you can call even there is no network. In Taiwan 110, 119 and international 112 (most countries) which will divert to local emergency.
  12. Pack
    • A decent pack to carry all Santa Clauses' items above.
*Of all the essentials, the most important item that we will not leave out is the Survival Kit. Recently we have upgraded the kit and added a mini water filter.

RV, Bicycle or Motorcycle

  1. Nails
    • On some campsite their wooden tent platform might be too big to peg your tent. Some nails will do the trick.
  2. Thermo flask
    • You can fill free hot water at most 7-11. Save time boiling hot water.
  3. Extension Cable with Multiple Plugs
    • Not all camp ground have power supply beside your camping area, sometimes they are shared. Normally a 20 meters extension cable should be enough to share.
  4. Wandering Lamp
    • A simple DIY lamp will be nice to have beside your tent for cooking or other purposes.
  5. Chairs and Tables
    • Unless you can dine sitting on the floor like Indian or Malay do.
  6. Tarp or Awning
    • Can't cook in the tent when it rains or you prefer to stay under the shade when is to warm.
  7. Cassette Stove and Spare Cannister
    • You can get replacement cannister at almost every 7-11, also good to carry spare cannister.
  8. Camera
    • Moments to be captured and not lost.
  9. Knife or Muti-Tool
    • Good to have for all kinds of repair work or preparing a meal.
  10. Repair Kit for Mode of Vehicle
    • Unless you have patience to wait for help, I rather have repair kit that I can DIY.
  11. Battery Charger or Charging Kit
    • Since there is power supply, why not charge your batteries.
  12. Mobile Phone
    • Are you aware that there are emergency numbers you can call even there is no network. In Taiwan 110, 119 and international 112 (most countries) which will divert to local emergency.